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CoinAPI January Update: NaaS, New Website, Market Data API on QuickNode Marketplace

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CoinAPI January update features some exciting info about our future developments such as NaaS (Network as a Service), our brand-new website, and the launch of Market Data API at the QuickNode marketplace. We believe that these new features will help to make your cryptocurrency journey smoother and more efficient.

Node-as-a-Service is coming soon!

Our upcoming product provides strong and flexible infrastructure solutions for blockchain applications. We offer both shared and dedicated nodes that come with node monitoring, smart contract deployment capabilities, and access to archive data. More info soon! In the meantime, check out our blog posts on NaaS:

CoinAPI’s new website is now live!

The new features a sleek homepage, detailed product subpages, and an updated blog layout to enhance your experience. We’ve put all of our products (and soon-to-be products), a new pricing page, and much more. Check out the preview. 👇

A dynamic website homepage banner showcasing 'All-in-one place with cryptocurrency APIs' with a central graphic featuring interconnected nodes representing different cryptocurrency exchanges and services. The design is modern and digital, with a vibrant purple background and interactive elements.



Market Data API at QuickNode marketplace

QuickNode marketplace has included our Market Data API, which provides real-time data for a variety of financial instruments. This integration offers immediate access to our API, enabling you to monitor market data with ease.

Cool news! Our CEO, Artur Pietrzyk had an interview with the QuickNode’s team.

Promotional graphic for 'Feature Fridays: CoinAPI by QuickNode' presenting an interview with CEO Artur Pietrzyk. The layout includes a quote highlighting 'unified, high-quality crypto market data' and the significance of the partnership for the 'interconnected web3 ecosystem', set against a deep purple background with brand logos and an arrow pointing to 'Read full interview'.

Full interview is available here

Technical Tutorials with CoinAPI

We have quite a few tutorials and guides that can help you become a better trader in the crypto market. You can learn:

Oh, and just in case…

If you’re looking for a comprehensive collection of historical cryptocurrency data, our product, CryptoTick has got you covered.

Stay updated with the latest developments by following us on GitHub, LinkedIn, and X. We’re here to help you excel in the world of crypto trading!

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