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Explore CoinAPI Flat Files S3 API to access cryptocurrency data stored in flat files

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Welcome to our deep dive into CoinAPI Flat Files S3 API. This RESTful API offers developers a streamlined way to access data housed in flat files. Crafted with Amazon S3 compliance in mind, it allows developers to take advantage of existing Amazon S3-based infrastructure. However, it’s crucial to note that the Flat Files S3 API is primarily designed for file listing and downloading, and does not encompass the full range of Amazon S3 features.

But what, exactly, does CoinAPI Flat Files S3 API is? And what are the benefits of using it?

Before we dive in, here are the articles you might like to read: 

The Ultimate Guide to CoinAPI’s EMS Trading API

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What is the CoinAPI Flat Files S3 API?

The Flat Files S3 API is a RESTful API that provides access to data stored in flat files. It’s designed to be compliant with Amazon S3, giving users the flexibility to use existing infrastructure dedicated to Amazon S3. The API does not support all of the Amazon S3 features since it was meant to be used only for listing and downloading files.

The Flat Files S3 API is a highly reliable and efficient RESTful API that can be used to access data stored in flat files. It is not only compliant with Amazon S3 but is also designed to seamlessly integrate with the AWS SDK. Whether you need to access cryptocurrency market data or other important information, the Flat Files S3 API can help streamline your processes and make your data more accessible.

Understanding Flat Files

Flat files are a type of database that stores data in a plain text file. Each line of the file typically represents a single record or data point. This simple structure makes flat files easy to read and write, and they can be processed by a wide variety of software tools. However, because they lack the complex organizational structures of relational databases, they are best suited for relatively small datasets with simple relationships.

In the context of the Flat Files S3 API, there are several types of flat files that can be accessed. These include quotes, trades, limitbook_snapshot_X, limitbook_full, and ohlcv_active_consolidated. Each of these file types serves a unique purpose and contains different data fields.

For instance, the ‘quotes’ file type contains data about the best bid and ask prices and volumes for a particular asset. The ‘trades’ file type, on the other hand, includes information about individual trades, such as the price, volume, and time of each trade.

The ‘limitbook_snapshot_X’ and ‘limitbook_full’ file types provide more detailed information about the order book, including the prices and volumes at different levels of the order book. The ‘ohlcv_active_consolidated’ file type contains consolidated data about the open, high, low, close, and volume (OHLCV) for a particular asset over a specified time period.

Each of these file types contains different data fields, such as timestamps, prices, volumes, and unique identifiers. These fields provide valuable information for analyzing market trends and developing trading strategies. By offering access to these diverse types of data, the Flat Files S3 API provides developers with a rich and flexible resource for working with cryptocurrency market data.

Using the Flat Files REST API

The RESTful interface of the Flat Files S3 API offers the most comprehensive access to data. It operates on the HTTP protocol, adhering to a Request-Reply pattern. The API is compatible with HTTP1.0, HTTP1.1, and HTTP2.0 standards, ensuring broad compatibility with various systems and tools. For secure data transmission, the API’s endpoints can be accessed through HTTPS, while HTTP is available for connections where security is not a primary concern

This RESTful approach allows developers to interact with the API using standard HTTP methods, making it a familiar and accessible tool for those with experience in web development. The Request-Reply pattern is straightforward and intuitive, with each request sent to the server receiving a corresponding response.

Furthermore, the support for multiple HTTP standards means that developers can choose the one that best fits their needs and the capabilities of their systems. The option to use either HTTPS or HTTP for connections provides flexibility in terms of security and performance, allowing developers to make the choice that best suits their specific use case.

Authentication and Supported Operations

To authenticate to this API, you need to provide an API key in your requests. The API supports a number of operations that correspond to Amazon S3 REST API operations, such as listing objects and downloading objects. However, not all parameters presented in the corresponding Amazon S3 documentation are required for these operations.

Error Handling

If an HTTP request returns a status code other than 200, it should be considered as failed. In such cases, you can expect an additional XML inside the body of the response with the error message encapsulated inside it. The error messages are compliant with Amazon S3 REST Error Responses.

Compatible Software

The Flat Files S3 API is compatible with the AWS SDK. After installing the AWS CLI, you can configure it with your AWS access key ID, secret access key, default region, and default output format. Once the AWS CLI is installed and configured, you can use it to interact with the S3 API Coinapi using various commands.

In conclusion, the Flat Files S3 API by CoinAPI provides a powerful and flexible way to access cryptocurrency market data stored in flat files. Whether you’re building a trading bot, conducting market analysis, or developing a data visualization tool, this API offers a robust solution for your data needs.

Ready to dive deeper and start leveraging the power of CoinAPI’s Flat Files S3 API in your own projects? We invite you to explore the comprehensive S3 API documentation for developers. Packed with detailed explanations, code examples, and best practices, our developer-focused guide will equip you with the knowledge you need to make the most of this powerful tool. Start your free trial and explore CoinAPI’s possibilities. AWS SDK

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