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How to make crypto alerting app with no coding? Interview with Quix

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Today, we’re excited to be joined by the Quix team, who will share insights on their journey in creating a crypto alerting app using CoinAPI. In light of the significant development and recent surge in the cryptocurrency market, our discussion will focus on the innovative use of low-code application development platforms like Quix. This approach enables the building of a customizable currency alerting application, complete with notifications for new coin additions. The outcome is a specialized crypto alerting app, a tool that businesses can now effectively utilize for their own needs.

Quix provides a framework for users to build applications without any coding knowledge. Quix sets itself apart from other similar platforms by making the development of an application as simple as defining a series of forms and drop-down lists — in a matter of minutes, users can create a fully functional web app. Quix also provides APIs for data integration, allowing applications to share data and communication between different platforms. With numerous apps already being developed on Quix, it’s clear that there is enormous potential for the platform. 

In this interview, we speak with the team at Quix about how it built a currency alerting application and how CoinAPI helped it to do this. Check out how how to make a crypto alerting app with no coding. 

CoinAPI: What exactly is Quix?

Quix is a data processing platform that allows for the transformation and delivery of data as it is created. The platform is designed on message brokers, such as Kafka, Pub/Sub, Kinesis, MQTT, and Pulsar, which make it different from traditional data engineering platforms designed for static and historic data technologies, including databases and data lakes. This construction allows users to develop, test, version control, and CI/CD applications that process data in the cloud.

CoinAPI: What can you build with Quix?

Quix is commonly used to automate digital experiences that produce a large volume of real-time data. Quix works best when acting immediately on data is best and aggregations aren’t enough. It’s simple, lightweight, and flexible, which makes it easy to integrate into any project or team. You can also use Quix to build custom solutions that collect, process, and publish data in real time.

Users can easily create new pipelines by dragging components onto a canvas and connecting them with lines. Each component has its own set of inputs and outputs so you can connect them however you want without having to worry about the direction of your flow. Quix will then run your pipeline automatically whenever new data becomes available in your SaaS or database service — no need for maintenance or configuration!

You can see examples of the product in the building of a smart stethoscope and other IoT devices.

CoinAPI: What are the company’s mission and vision?

Quix’s mission is to help developers work with streaming data using the languages they love most. We started with Python since it is the most loved language, and the most widespread language for ML & AI, as well as being widely adopted by developers around the world.

Our vision is to make streaming data simple for every organization. The world has changed in the last decade, and every organization now has to deal with a huge amount of data. This data is not only coming from different sources and formats but it’s also generated at unprecedented speeds.

Big Data is no longer just a buzzword, it’s something that every company needs to deal with daily. To make this data accessible for everyone and to make it simple for organizations to use, Quix makes streaming data simple for every organization.

CoinAPI: Tell us about the CoinAPI/Quix crypto price alerts app you worked on.

Together with CoinAPI, we have created a Quix connector to bring CoinAPI data into Quix. A connector allows a user to easily connect to a data source or sink data to an external system. The Quix CoinAPI connector allows users to use the CoinAPI key along with their chosen currency pairs to use currency information within the Quix solution. 

The CoinAPI team has been working on a Quix connector to bring CoinAPI data into Quix. CoinAPI provides a lot of insights into the cryptocurrency market and we are happy to see that we decided to use CoinAPI’s API in our product.

The connector allows users to import data from CoinAPI’s API into Quix, which will be able to provide them with the latest information about the cryptocurrency market.

CoinAPI: The project is based on data processing — how does this process simplify the process of getting data to the customers? 

The connector makes it simple for customers to obtain the data and focus on their core business. The Quix CoinAPI connector makes data acquisition very easy. Once obtained, the data can then be analyzed or compared and combined with other data such as the results of sentiment analysis on the same currencies, to determine various results. 

CoinAPI: Who is this product intended for, and what are the benefits of using it?

Quix: Among many use cases, Quix can be used to help finance professionals build solutions. It provides easy access to the data needed to make informed decisions.

Quix users building finance solutions would make use of the Quix CoinAPI connector to very easily obtain CoinAPI currency data, enabling them to create and deploy high-quality financial products for their clients.

In a world where financial products are increasingly complex and sophisticated, providing users with access to quality data is paramount. The Quix CoinAPI connector allows users to easily obtain accurate currency information from CoinAPI without having to worry about the implementation or maintenance of their infrastructure.

The CoinAPI connector is also flexible enough to support various use cases in the finance industry: anything from creating a simple hedging solution for an individual investor or fund manager to creating more complex derivative instruments based on multiple currencies.

CoinAPI: What made you decide on the CoinAPI product?

We decided to use CoinAPI because it offered the least friction to getting started. The free API key and concise docs allowed us to build our solution quickly and offer flexibility to our customers.

The CoinAPI team was also very responsive and helpful when we needed help with integrations.

We started by using CoinAPI’s public market data APIs, which we integrated into our customer portal and white label platform. We then expanded our offering to include private data APIs that allow us to provide more in-depth analysis for our clients.

CoinAPI: What are the most important aspects of currency alerting customers?

Currency alerting allows customers to be kept up to date on prices for currencies they are most interested in. Customers building an alerting system can choose what form the alerts take. They may be buy/sell signals or simply the raw prices when pre-configured thresholds are crossed. 

The customer should be able to choose the currencies they are interested in and what type of alerts they want. The customer should also be able to set up a time frame for the alerts that is convenient for them. Currency alerting allows customers to receive updates on changes in currency values so that they can make decisions about spending and saving money.

The most important aspects of currency alerting include:

  • Choice of currencies: customers can choose which currencies they want to receive alerts on — or all of them.
  • Type of alerts: Customers can choose from buy/sell signals or raw prices when pre-configured thresholds are crossed.
  • Time frame: Customers can select how often they want their alerting system to send them updates (e.g., once a day, once an hour).

CoinAPI: What is meant by software integration and data streaming? Is the integration required, or are there just a few exceptions?

Many companies are interested in integrating their existing applications with the CoinAPI platform. However, the question that often arises is: what is meant by software integration and data streaming? Is the integration required, or are there just a few exceptions?

When we talk about integration with the CoinAPI platform, we mean integration between two or more layers of your application. This kind of integration allows you to use all services provided by our API platform within your systems without having to implement them yourself. It also gives you full control over how this integration takes place — whether it’s via API calls or through WebSockets, for example. 

Streaming allows an application to make use of the data in real time as the data becomes available. Using a streaming approach to integrate with the CoinAPI platform allows Quix customers to build apps and services fast, without having to understand the inner workings of the integration. They select the connector, fill in the required details, and deploy it.

CoinAPI: How can integrations help a business?

How to make crypto alerting app with no coding? Interview with QuixIntegrating microservices — tools that do one thing extremely well — such as Quix and CoinAPI create an architecture that’s easy for small teams to observe and maintain. It also enables an organization to evolve its technology stack without significant tech debt.

Integrations are an important part of a business’s infrastructure. They allow for seamless communication and data transfer between different applications. 

CoinAPI: How to Deploy a Simple Currency Alerting Pipeline with Quix and Coin API?

Quix: Check this simple tutorial here and see how to get a crypto alerting app with real-time alerts on your mobile. 

Quix CoinAPI Integration

Are you curious about APIs and how they can affect the way your company does business? To integrate your applications with CoinAPI’s API ecosystem, try our API for free and see if the product fits your needs.


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